Accommodation partner or private agreement?

Pros and cons when choosing accommodation landlord
13 мая 2024 г. по

What is the difference between renting corporate housing from an accommodation partner, such as Corporate Apartments, compared to renting directly from the property owner?

There are pros and cons to both options, of course. Perhaps you already have contact with a reliable property owner near your construction site, or maybe you have seen an advertisement that fits your needs well? In that case, it might be a viable solution to contact them directly. However, we believe that there are many advantages to using our services instead, so we have compiled a guide with some important aspects to keep in mind. Either as a checklist for what you should remember if you rent privately, or as a specification of what you you are getting if you choose to use our services for your stay.

Legal advantages of using a accommodation partner 

Contracts - A proper contract is the foundation for all parties to feel secure throughout the rental period. As an accommodation partner, we have carefully designed contracts that are secure for all parties. In private dealings, it is up to you as a tenant to ensure that you have good contracts that are safe for everyone. 

Insurance - You never know when an accident might occur. Do you know what happens then? All our accommodations, including furnishings, are insured through us. As a tenant, neither you as a housing coordinator nor your staff need to worry about this.

Practical advantages

Customer Service - Our customer service is available during office hours and for urgent matters even on evenings and weekends, providing quick and reliable support when you need it.

Furnished Housing - The homes are fully furnished, making them immediately livable without further investment from the tenant's side. We make sure everything is in place before your staff arrives at the accommodation. All they need to bring are their personal belongings.

Additional Services on Request - Do you want to further facilitate for your staff by having someone clean, mow the lawn, or similar? We offer additional services such as cleaning and gardening, which frees up time and resources for you as tenants.

Self-catering - The ability to cook their own food, wash their own clothes, and park their cars outside the accommodation contributes both to a more cost-effective stay, but perhaps more importantly, a practical and comfortable everyday life for your staff.

Cost advantages

All-inclusive - All operating costs, such as electricity, heating, water, and internet are included. There is also always access to parking for cars nearby, which is of course also included in the price. This eliminates unforeseen expenses and simplifies budgeting for the entire project.

Cost-effective - A major cost for employees working in another location is linked to daily expenses, such as restaurant visits, laundry drop-off, etc. By having a self-catering accommodation, costs can be kept low. Our accommodations always have both fully equipped kitchens and laundry facilities.

Flexibility in Terms - Unlike most common landlords, we can offer flexible rental periods. We can also include customized services in the contract and thus give you package prices on services you would otherwise need to bring in externally.

Would you like to know more about our services and how we can help you and your staff have a smooth stay? Contact us.

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