Happy Holidays from Corporate Apartments

22 декабря 2016 г. по
Happy Holidays from Corporate Apartments
Corporate Apartments, Thierry Plesnar Dennås

We would like to wish all our customers and business partners a GOD JUL OCH GOTT NYTT ÅR! (Yes, that means Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in Swedish…)

As always in Sweden at Christmas, we will watch Donald Duck on tv and eat from the ”Christmas table” – a smorgasbord filled with pickled herrings, ”Christmas ham”, Swedish meatballs, gingerbread cookies and other traditional foods – before Santa Claus arrives. Suspiciously enough, Santa Claus often looks a lot like an old neighbour/uncle/dad, and he usually needs a whisky or a big glass of “glögg” to be able to read the names written on the presents… 🙂

The Corporate Apartments team hopes this season brings you festive times, lots of delicious food and many joyful moments together with friends and family.

We would like to thank you for your business this year, and we are looking forward to further co-operation in the new year. See you in 2017!

Season’s Greetings

from The Corporate Apartments Team

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